Seigneur, viens dans ce lieu (Meet Us Here)

Couplet 1
Seigneur, viens dans ce lieu
Remplis-nous de ta puissance et de ton feu
Nous voulons vivre l’unité
Que ton royaume vienne, que ton nom soit loué

Saint est notre Dieu
Assis sur le trône
Nous te couronnons Seigneur
Nous chantons ta grandeur

Couplet 2
Ô oui, viens, roi précieux
Viens nous montrer combien tu es merveilleux
Nous attendons ce glorieux jour
Où les rachetés réunis, chanteront ton amour

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Worship Without Limits: The Place of Supernatural Access to God's Presence and Power

Worship Without Limits: The Place of Supernatural Access to God's Presence and Power

Worship is a priceless gift. Unfortunately for many, this gift remains often unopened and unused because of a lack of understanding. In truth, worship is not christianized entertainment, a religious ritual, or zealous demonstration.

*Affiliate link.

It's All About Worship: A Journey to the Heart of God through Worship.

It's All About Worship: A Journey to the Heart of God through Worship.

From stage lights to spiritual insight, It's All About Worship is a compelling narrative that invites you into the heart of worship beyond the conventional norms.

*Affiliate link.